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Category Archives for Retirement

Brittany, one of the best places to live in France for English expats.

Best Place To Retire In France For Expats

France offers immense geographical, climatic and cultural diversity: snow-white alpine ski slopes, golden sandy beaches, beautiful vineyards, medieval villages, and vibrant cities. Are you thinking of moving to France from UK, USA or some other part of the world to live a better lifestyle? Here you will find the information you need about the best […]

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Traveling is great and exhausting at once, even more if traveling around the world at a slow pace nonstop as we do now for four years. Settle down or not?

Life In South Africa For Retirement

For four years we are traveling continuously around the world at a slow pace.
Sometimes the travel blues gets us and we miss a home.
Then the even bigger challenge awaits us:
In which country could we live happily?

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Full-time RV Living On The Road

You are faced with the important decision of turning your life completely upside down. Full-time RV living on the road is your dream. You want to sell your house or give up your apartment and travel full time in a house on wheels, maybe even on different continents. We decided to buy a 4×4 Land […]

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10 Tipps Für Ein Leben Im Wohnmobil

Du stehst vor der wichtigen Entscheidung dein Leben vollständig auf den Kopf zu stellen. Ein Leben im Wohnmobil ist dein Traum. Du willst dein Haus verkaufen oder deine Wohnung aufgeben und Vollzeit in einem Haus auf Rädern verschiedene Kontinente bereisen. Im südlichen Afrika entschieden wir uns für einen 4×4 Land Rover mit Wohnwagen. Zurzeit  fahren […]

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Early Retirement Extreme - I Enjoy My Life And You? - early retirement blog - early retirement travel - retire early with rental properties

I Enjoy My Life And Travel! Early Retirement Extreme

If you landed on this website, most probably you are dreaming of “happy early retirement extreme”. I am retired for six years and I enjoy my life to the fullest. Retirement and good living are entwined inseparably. Learn how to retire early and read about other grey nomads with successful retirement stories who took the road […]

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