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Photography Art Nomad Studio - The Photography Art Nomad Studio with breathtaking photos of wildlife and nature, tips for the amateur photographer and the best camera for safari.

The Photography Art Nomad Studio

Most rewarding is in nature and wildlife photography when after a few hours wait for specific capture, the photograph works out as hoped for. With Animals, that can be hard and especially the photography of birds in movement takes a lot of patience and luck. We often stayed for an extended time in National Parks which allowed us to sit and wait as long as it needed for the right shot. Enjoy the pictures in our Photography Art Nomad Studio, and get in touch if you’d like a print or download of a picture.

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Our Photography Art Nomad Studio

Art Nomad Studio – Wildlife Photography

Best Camera For Safari, Wildlife, and Birding

As amateur photographers and Grey Nomads, we have a limited budget. However, we don’t want to miss photo opportunities, especially with wildlife and birds. A fast camera with a long zoom is essential. Some of the best pictures for our Photography Art Nomad Studio we made by our Nikon Coolpix P900 with an 83x optical zoom, which is the equivalent of 2000 mm zoom range. Even the moon appears close!

If we are on a boat or on a horse riding safari we prefer to go with the Olympus Tough TG-5 Digitalkamera (12 MP, 25-100mm) which is a handy pocket camera. Extremely sturdy and waterproof up to 15m beneath the surface. 

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Art Nomad Studio – Landscape Photography

Art Nomad Studio – Nature Photography

Nature Photography

Our Favorite External Hard Drive To Keep Pictures Safe

Nobody wants to lose travel memories and even so, often we don’t think of a decent backup during our travels. Because data often isn’t available or most expensive for photo backup, we always travel with an external hard drive. The WD My Passport Mobile WDBYFT0040BBK-WESN has enough space for plenty of photos, and when we are at home, we back up to the cloud and to a second external drive.  


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