Back in South Africa at our first house sit in Stellenbosch we took our camera to capture some natural beauties in Jan Marais Nature Reserve.

Hottentot-Hollands Mountains
The nature reserve is embedded by a rugged mountainous landscape where vineyards claim their sunny spots to grow most precious grapes for selected vines.

Tall pines contrast with the big sky.

King Protea
It’s spring so the Proteas are out and some open their gigantic blossom to catch the warming sun.

Some facts of Jan Marais Nature Reserve:
- The benefactor for the establishment of the park was Jan Marais – obviously 😉
- He was also the benefactor to the Stellenbosch University
- The nature reserve was opened in 1919 and is approximately 23 hectares in size
- Jan Marais Nature Reserve is divided in different sectors like a picnic area, a section for exercising or culture events and a undisturbed area.
- Two veld types are predominant: Swartland Fynbos and Swartland Renosterveld.
Address: Marais Rd, Stellenbosch, Western Cape
Facebook: Jan Marais Nature Reserve


Jan Marais Nature Reserve Labyrinth

Which leader to follow? A bold signpost in the nature reserve with political topicality.