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Category Archives for English

Fünf Wochen Urlaub in Mtwapa Kenia. Einst ein Paradies für Expats. Heute eine chaotische Stadt, wo die Armut sichtbar und das Leben der Reichen unsicherer wird. Fotos einer Stadt mit zweifelhaftem Ruf, wo das Leben der einen von Sextourismus und Gewalt gezeichnet ist und sich die anderen am Palmenstränden sonnen.

House Sit Becoming Nightmare In Kenya

Stories of the Grey World Nomads from travels and house sitting around the World.

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Zanzibar – an Island that stands still in time

Snow-white beaches dip into the shallow turquoise water separated by an extended coral reef from the Ocean. Fruit stalls along the roads offering ripe tasty fruit from the island and local restaurants along the shoreline presenting fresh fish from the sea. An island, which is influenced by diverse cultures and where the intrepid traveller can still find his affordable hut at the beach. That’s Zanzibar.

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Discovering Kosi Bay Nature Reserve, South Africa

When Paradise hits earth to create natural beauty of its own you are most probably at Kosi Bay Nature Reserve in South Africa.

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Hoge Veluwe – back to nature in the middle of the Netherlands

Get around by bicycle or by foot through the National Park Hoge Veluwe in the Netherlands.

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What to do in the Netherlands – Province Gelderland? – Look for dwarfs and get lost in a labyrinth!

Getting lost in a labyrinth in the extended gardens of a ancient castle and searching for dwarfs.

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